Premium Lifestyles offer world class workmanship, expert engineering and custom construction and design in the Brisbane area.


There are a number of laws and regulations that should be checked and confirmed when building, upgrading or adding a new carport or garage to your home. Local councils will usually have strict guidelines defining key facts about your property.

Brisbane City Council has brought together all of the information that you will need to know if you want to construct or install a carport and or a garage. This information includes preferred locations for your project, plus any constraints, exemptions or other approvals you will need.


In most cases, building a carport is considered to be a self-assessable development if your property is located in specific city regions or zones. For each of these zones, your design must comply with all the self-assessable acceptable outcomes of the Dwelling house Code or, if on a small lot, the self-assessable acceptable outcomes of the Dwelling house (small lot) code.


Self-assessable developments and projects DO NOT require Brisbane City Council approval and there is not need to request anything in writing from the council for approval to build your project. 


For a proposal to be self-assessable, it must meet all of the self-assessable acceptable outcomes of the applicable code. Where it does not meet all self-assessable acceptable outcomes, the proposal becomes assessable development and a planning application is required.


Just for example, where the site is located within a neighbourhood plan area, or a relevant overlay, the project may be assessable development and require planning approval from Council.


These guidelines are important to consider when planning a new carport for your home.


If you would like to confirm the details of your property and project please refer to the Brisbane City Council.


If there are any other questions or concerns that you would like clarification on contact the team at Premium Lifestyles for Expert Advice and Get a Free Quote Now.


Call (07) 3300 0507